Thank you for your interest in submitting to The Regulatory Review. The Regulatory Review welcomes outside submissions, including submissions responding to essays previously published on The Regulatory Review. We commit to providing quick responses to all outside submissions.

Before you submit your essay to us, we encourage you to ensure that your writing conforms to The Regulatory Review’s style guidelines, as set forth below. In addition, you will need to create a Submittable account and fill out a short form. This process should take no more than one minute.

  • All essays must be submitted in Word—not PDF—format.
  • All essays should be between approximately 750 and 1,000 words.
  • Wherever footnotes would ordinarily be used in publications, hyperlinks (URLs) to supporting sources should be provided instead.
  • For space reasons, essay titles are subject to our editorial discretion, but we always encourage authors’ input. We keep titles short and we do not include colons or subtitles.

By submitting to The Regulatory Review, you agree that:

  1. Your submission has not been previously published or posted elsewhere and is neither currently under review anywhere else nor will it be submitted elsewhere pending our review and editing.
  2. We can work with you to edit your work to meet our editorial standards.
  3. You grant The Regulatory Review, Penn Law, and the University of Pennsylvania a license to publish your submission online. If we accept and publish your edited submission, you may subsequently republish it on another website, provided that the republished piece indicates that it first appeared on The Regulatory Review and that the republished piece includes a hyperlink to the The Regulatory Review page containing the original publication of your essay.
  4. Your submission does not in any way infringe on anyone else’s copyright or other rights.

Thank you for your interest in submitting to The Regulatory Review. The Regulatory Review welcomes outside submissions, including submissions responding to essays that have been previously on The Regulatory Review. We commit to providing quick responses to all outside submissions.

Before you submit your essay to us, we encourage you to ensure that your writing conforms to The Regulatory Review’s style guidelines, as set forth below. In addition, you will need to create a Submittable account and fill out a short form. This process should take no more than one minute.

  • All essays must be submitted in Word—not PDF—format.
  • All essays should be between approximately 750 and 1,000 words.
  • Wherever footnotes would ordinarily be used in publications, hyperlinks (URLs) to supporting sources should be provided instead.
  • For space reasons, essay titles are subject to our editorial discretion, but we always encourage authors’ input. We keep titles short and we do not include colons or subtitles.

By submitting to The Regulatory Review, you agree that:

  1. Your submission has not been previously published or posted elsewhere and is neither currently under review anywhere else nor will it be submitted elsewhere pending our review and editing.
  2. We can work with you to edit your work to meet our editorial standards.
  3. You grant The Regulatory Review, Penn Law, and the University of Pennsylvania a license to publish your submission online. If we accept and publish your edited submission, you may subsequently republish it on another website, provided that the republished piece indicates that it first appeared on The Regulatory Review and that the republished piece includes a hyperlink to the The Regulatory Review page containing the original publication of your essay.
  4. Your submission does not in any way infringe on anyone else’s copyright or other rights.
The Regulatory Review